Brittish Secretary of Defence: Solar flares storm could paralyse UK

Brittish Secretary of Defence: Solar flares storm could paralyse UK

British Defence Secretary Liam Fox will next week attend a summit of scientists and security advisers who believe the infrastructure that underpins modern life in Western economies is potentially vulnerable to electromagnetic disruption.Blogger’s and scientists

There may be a Rapture, but it won’t be this Saturday

There may be a Rapture, but it won’t be this Saturday

You’ve probably heard the news that the Biblical Rapture is supposed to happen tomorrow (Saturday), May 21, 2011. A minister from the group Family Radio Worldwide has raised a lot of attention lately, campaigning from city to city with the message that the Rapture is

End of days in May?

End of days in May?

Marie Exley is part of a movement of Christians loosely organized by radio broadcasts and websites, independent of churches and convinced by their reading of the Bible that the end of the world will begin May 21, 2011.

To get the word out, they're using

Universal Cycle – Co-Creation period, February 10 and October 28, 2011

Universal Cycle – Co-Creation period, February 10 and October 28, 2011

February 10, 2011 brings in the last of nine levels on the Mayan Calendar – Universal cycle or the conscious co-creation period.

The Mayan Calendar will herald in some key dates in mere weeks and it really starts rolling later in 2011. Here we read two key