Understanding the phytochemical power of turmeric

Understanding the phytochemical power of turmeric

Sometimes called Indian saffron, turmeric is an ancient ayurvedic medicine that has been used for centuries throughout Indonesia and Southeast Asia. It is a powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant with a long history of use both medicinally and in cuisine. A

Antibacterial soap pollutes rivers, adds to bacterial resistance

Antibacterial soap pollutes rivers, adds to bacterial resistance

New highly resistant strains of bacteria are showing up in urban water sources and regional streams and rivers. These new bacteria strains are rendering new antibiotics practically useless.

New environmental studies from the Chicago metro-area are now reporting

Study finds a strong link between cell phone use and cancer

Study finds a strong link between cell phone use and cancer

The dangers of cell phone use have long been debated but for the first time a clear connection between cell phone use and higher risk of cancer has been established in a study by Tel Aviv University.

Scientists from TAU, Rabin Medical Center and the Technion

Is rocket fuel making truly organic farming impossible?

Is rocket fuel making truly organic farming impossible?

Perchlorate and the Post-Organic Era 

Perchlorate is an environmental pollutant primarily associated with releases by defense contractors, military operations and aerospace programs, as it is a key ingredient in rocket fuel. It is now found in virtually

Fluoride: Calcifier of the Soul

Fluoride: Calcifier of the Soul

Research published in 2001 showed that fluoride (F) deposits in the pineal gland with age and is associated with enhanced gland calcification. Eleven aged cadavares were dissected and their pineal glands assayed:

 "There was a positive

As Fukushima continues to leak radiation, protect yourself with bentonite clay

As Fukushima continues to leak radiation, protect yourself with bentonite clay

The earthquake and tsunami that hit Japan in March 2011 and left the Fukushima power plant damaged and leaking radiation into the environment seems to have faded into the past, but the dangers to the environment and human health are far from over, with the latest leak

Turmeric: The return of the Golden goddess

Turmeric: The return of the Golden goddess

Ancient Indians understood turmeric to be the physical essence of the Divine Mother. Modern science now confirms that it has therapeutic properties relevant to well over 500 health conditions, and may bestow on those who take it, protection from many