Severe floodings hit northern Italy

Severe floodings hit northern Italy

 Severe flooding affected 2,000-year-old Roman amphitheatre as well as the nearby Roman Forum and Palatine Hill, and the ancient Roman port of Ostia, west of the capital. The Colosseum was particularly badly affected, with water pouring into the underground

Experts concerned with abnormal seismic activity – Azores

Experts concerned with abnormal seismic activity – Azores

Experts in the Azores have alerted the population of São Miguel Island for seismic activity which they considered to be above normal. The seismic events where located in the system of Fogo and Congro lakes, the central region of the island.“The situation is

El Hierro on “StandBy”

El Hierro on “StandBy”

The activity of the underwater volcanic eruption on the island of El Hierro has declined for now. The deformation of the island has stabilized and in some areas has decreased.CSIC researcher explained that they have collected samples of basalt, which shows that there

Sun is active again: M1.6 flare & sundiving comet

Sun is active again: M1.6 flare & sundiving comet

A Solar Flare reaching M1.6 peaked at 03:25 UTC Thursday morning and appears to be centered off the northwest limb near Sunspot 1318 which is rotating out of direct earth view.Solar activity remains at fairly low levels with only small to mid sized C-Class flares

Halley’s Comet to put on meteor show next week

Halley’s Comet to put on meteor show next week

If you step outside before dawn during the next week or so, you might try to catch a view of some “cosmic litter” that has been left behind in space by Halley’s Comet: the Orionid meteor shower.The Orionids can best be described as a junior version of the famous

When will the 7 billionth human be born?

When will the 7 billionth human be born?

On 31 October, a newborn baby somewhere in the world will become the 7 billionth member of the human race. Or so says the UN – alternatively, this date could be at least a year too early. Behind the UN’s patina of certainty may lie outdated and unreliable census data.

Rena was sent on ‘deliberate’ collision course

Rena was sent on ‘deliberate’ collision course

A deliberate decision was made to change the course of the container ship Rena to head it smack on to the Astrolabe Reef an hour before it grounded, a marine expert says.An internationally recognised marine risk expert has plotted the fateful final hours of the

#GlobalChange: People of the world are called to rise up on October 15th!

#GlobalChange: People of the world are called to rise up on October 15th!

On October 15th people from all over the world will take to the streets and squares.From America to Asia, from Africa to Europe, people are rising up to claim their rights and demand a true democracy. Now it is time for all of us to join in a global non violent