Record-low temperatures hit southern Brazil

Record-low temperatures hit southern Brazil

Temperatures in Brazil began dopping early last week with the approach of Subtropical Storm “Yakecan” – eventually reaching unprecedented lows in the country’s south.

Record-breaking cold hits Europe, causing widespread damage to agriculture

Record-breaking cold hits Europe, causing widespread damage to agriculture

Unseasonably cold weather hit parts of Europe over the past weekend, following warmer-than-normal temperatures in previous weeks that caused rapid greening of flora. Damage to agriculture is widespread but it seems it’s not as bad as it was last year when a similar cold episode happened. The worst affected countries were France, Germany, Spain and Austria.

Deep freeze from Upper Midwest, U.S. to Atlantic Canada

Deep freeze from Upper Midwest, U.S. to Atlantic Canada

Numerous wind chill advisories and warnings are in place from the Upper Midwest to New England on Monday, January 10, 2022, as wind chills are expected to plummet to -31 to -40 °C (-25 to -40 °​F). In addition, heavy lake effect snow is likely downwind of…

Temperature in China’s Inner Mongolia drops to -46.9 °C (-52.4 °F)

Temperature in China’s Inner Mongolia drops to -46.9 °C (-52.4 °F)

Severe cold wave sweeping through northern China dropped the temperature in the city of Hulunbuir, Inner Mongolia autonomous region to -46.9 °C (-52.4 °F) on December 23, 2021. The cold snap continued over the Christmas weekend and into the new week. While…

South Pole registers coldest winter on record

South Pole registers coldest winter on record

A weather station at the Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station registered record cold winter temperatures this season (April – September), averaging at -61.1 °C (-77.9 °F) and breaking the previous record set in 1976 at -60.6 °C (-77 °F). Weather records…

Historic crop loss as severe frosts hit Brazil

Historic crop loss as severe frosts hit Brazil

Farmers across Brazil are reporting widespread crop loss due to severe frosts affecting the country over the past 3 weeks. After several destructive cold waves, another blast is expected over the weekend, July 24 and 25, followed by yet another at the end of the…

Unprecedented cold and record snow engulf parts of South America

Unprecedented cold and record snow engulf parts of South America

A powerful Antarctic cold mass is bringing unprecedented cold, record snow, and frosts to parts of South America, such as Argentina and Brazil. In Brazil, one of the strongest polar air masses in the past years is starting to make temperatures drop in the Rio Grande…