
Heavy monsoon rains hit Nepal, leaving widespread damage and 28 dead

nepal flood june 2024

With monsoon rains intensifying in Nepal, at least 14 people were killed in just 24 hours on June 25 and 26, 2024, raising the overall death toll to 28 since June 9 and causing significant property damage.

Nepal’s Ministry of Home Affairs has reported 28 deaths over the past 18 days, marking a tragic start to the monsoon season. The fatalities include 14 people killed by landslides, 13 by lightning, and one by flooding.

On June 26, Nepal’s National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Authority (NDRRMA) released a cautionary warning as heavy rains reached caution level at 6 stations.

“We recorded a total of 44 incidents on June 26. In those incidents, 14 people lost their lives, 8 due to landslides, 5 due to lightning, and 1 in flooding. 2 people are still unaccounted for in the incident of landslide while 10 people have sustained injuries,” said NDRRMA spokesperson Dijan Bhattarai.

Landslides claimed 5 lives in Lamjung, 2 in Kaski, and 1 in Okhaldhunga on June 26 alone and 1 death was recorded due to flooding.

So far 33 districts have been affected by the monsoon recording 147 incidents destroying roughly 1.9 million dollars worth of property.

The onset of monsoon generally starts on June 13 and ends on September 23 every year. The high mortality rate in Nepal during monsoon incidents is attributed to unplanned urbanization, the terrain, and settlements on slopes prone to landslides. The government estimates that almost 1.8 million people might be affected by monsoon-related incidents this season.

According to a statement by the 28th Session of the South Asian Climate Outlook Forum released on April 29, above-normal rainfall was forecast during this year’s monsoon season over most parts of South Asia except some areas over northern, eastern, and northeastern parts of the region, where below normal rainfall is most likely.


1 Daily disaster bulletin – NDRRMA – June 26, 2024

2 14 dead in 24 hours due to landslide, floods, lightning as monsoon spreads across Nepal – ANI – June 26, 2024

3 28th Session of South Asian Climate Outlook Forum (SASCOF-28) and Climate Services User Forum (CSUF)
Pune, India – Summary – April 29, 2024


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One Comment

  1. “Have you not felt these pangs, O earth?! Have you not recoiled in pain, O heavens?! Has not fear grabbed hold of you, O mighty nations?! Blind and hard peoples, REPENT! For My face is turned against you, My shoulders are set, and My hand is ready to strike!
    Behold, I shall strike the waters, and they shall rise up against you; from bitterness to the raging of the seas, the waters shall oppress you! I shall strike the mountains, and they shall speak and bring forth a great noise; they shall consume you and bury your cities! I shall strike the heavens, and it shall rain down fire and flooding rain, with a great multitude of hail! Lo, I shall strike the foundations of the earth, and the whole world shall be shaken! Says The Lord.
    FOR I AM THE LORD WHO REIGNS! He who stretched out the heavens and laid the foundations of the earth! YAHUWAH, He who formed it and causes to be! For the whole world is but a footstool beneath My feet, a rock in My hand made of limestone, easily broken… Says The Lord.”

    (From The Volumes of Truth, A Testament Against the World: The Lord’s Rebuke, an excerpt from “You Have Entered In”)

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