
Series of small earthquakes near large faults in Southern California sparks public concern

southern california earthquakes detected by usgs 7 days to june 10 2024

Southern California experienced a series of small earthquakes between May 31 and June 5, 2024, affecting populated areas from Santa Barbara to Newport Beach and sparking public concern. Experts say the quakes occurred near large, potentially dangerous faults but are not predictive of a larger quake.

Between May 31 and June 5, 2024, Southern California experienced a series of small earthquakes, causing minor shaking but significant psychological impacts. The most powerful of these was M3.6 in the Ojai Valley at 17:26 UTC on May 31, with weak shaking felt from Santa Barbara to Los Angeles.

Subsequently, two quakes occurred under the El Sereno neighborhood in eastern Los Angeles, the strongest being an M3.4 near South Pasadena at 16:56 UTC on June 2. Finally, a trio of tremors struck the Costa Mesa-Newport Beach area, peaking at a magnitude of 3.6.

In total, the region experienced half a dozen quakes over 2.5 magnitude within a week. This is unusual for Southern California, especially since all quakes hit highly populated areas. Despite concerns, experts state that these smaller quakes do not predict larger, destructive earthquakes in urban Southern California.

Susan Hough, a seismologist with the U.S. Geological Survey, mentioned that there is only a 1 in 20 chance of any earthquake in California being followed by a larger one within the same area in a week. Even if a subsequent quake occurred, it would likely be only slightly larger.

James Dolan, an earth sciences professor at the University of Southern California, noted that all three sets of recent quakes occurred near large, potentially dangerous faults. The Puente Hills thrust fault, for example, lies beneath highly populated areas and could generate catastrophic shaking. A magnitude 7.5 quake on this fault could result in 3,000 to 18,000 fatalities.

Another concerning fault is the Compton thrust fault, active and capable of producing significant quakes. It has generated six earthquakes over the past 12 000 years, each over magnitude 7.

Lastly, the Transverse Range thrust fault system was the site of the May 31 Ojai Valley quake. This complex fault system has historically produced large earthquakes, some possibly exceeding magnitude 8.

Despite impressive steps by some cities to retrofit older buildings, many vulnerabilities remain. The recent tremors serve as a reminder of the region’s seismic risks and the need for ongoing preparedness.

Dolan emphasized the importance of preparing for future seismic events, noting that seismic lulls, like the current one, tend to end with clusters of large-magnitude quakes.


1 String of earthquakes rattles Southern California. Are they telling us something bigger? – Los Angeles Times – June 10, 2024

2 M3.6 earthquake 5 km ENE of Ojai, CA – USGS – May 31, 2024

3 M3.4 earthquake 4 km SW of South Pasadena, CA – USGS – June 2, 2024


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  1. According to Edgar Cayce (Sleeping Prophet) who gave a lot of earth changes / pole shift predictions, in one he said there’s going to be an inundation of California, mainly the southern portions. He said it will occur exactly within 3 months of when there is the greater activity in Mt. Vesuvius or Mt Pelee. Here’s what he said:

    “If there are the greater activities in the Vesuvius, or Pelee, then the southern coast of California – and the areas between Salt Lake and the southern portions of Nevada – may expect, within the three months following same, an inundation by the earthquakes. But these, as we find, are to be more in the southern than in the northern hemisphere.” ~ Edgar Cayce, 21st day of January, 1936

    In another he says: “In the affairs of man many conditions will arise that will be very, very, strange to the world at present – in religion, in politics, in the moral conditions, and in the attempt to curb or to change such, see? For there will be set in motion [that indicating] when prohibition will be lost in America, see? Violent wind storms – two earthquakes, one occurring in California, another in Japan – tidal waves following, one to the southern portion of the isles near Japan.” ~ Edgar Cayce, 27th day of August, 1926

    We know that Edgar Cayce correctly predicted the stock market crash and Great Depression of 1929, the beginning of World War II, the shifting of the Earth’s magnetic poles (not man-made climate change), which scientists confirmed the beginnings of on a 2004 NOVA TV show titled, “Magnetic Storm”, and the coming of El Nino and La Nina, stating that changing temperatures of the deep currents in the Pacific Ocean would affect weather patterns. Now many people are closely watching the volcanoes Vesuvius and Pelee because of Cayce’s warning about their unseen connection with the fault lines along the southern coast of California.

    There is a growing sense that volcanic activity and the quaking shifts of the massive tectonic plates of the Earth are interconnected around the planet. When an earthquake or eruption occurs in one part of the planet, it is followed by an eruption or quake in another part, sometimes on the opposite side of the planet. Cayce’s visions seem to confirm this. For example, as above states, he predicted that when we see the greater eruptions in the volcanoes of Vesuvius or Pelee, then three months later there will be an inundation along the southern coast of California, from San Francisco, Los Angeles, to Salt Lake, Utah and southern portions of Nevada. Basically it’s goodbye western U.S.

    Mt. Vesuvius is the infamous volcano that destroyed the ancient city of Pompeii in 79 A.D. It is located east of Naples, Italy. It is considered to be one of the most dangerous volcanoes in the world. Mt. Pelee is in an island arc of the Caribbean called Martinique, in the Lesser Antilles between Puerto Rico and Venezuela. In 1902 the explosion of this volcano was one of the worst in recorded history. It is near the city of St. Pierre, which was destroyed in the 1902 eruption, and then rebuilt. Pelee erupted again from 1929 to 1932. It is among the deadliest volcanoes on the planet.

    If either one of these two volcanoes erupts, Cayce predicts that earthquakes will follow three months later in the southern coast of California, and these quakes will also cause an inundation in Utah to southern Nevada.

    He also said, from a vision he had, that the state of Nebraska will be on the coastline. So it’s going to be a massive inundation of the western states with perhaps only portions of them remaining. Some people think they’re safe because their living on mountains, but this is not always true. Cayce said that with this pole shift, that entire mountains / lands will sink, and new mountains and lands will rise. If you look for mountains sinking, or land sinking, you’ll find a few articles on that.

    Amazingly, Edgar Cayce tied these prophecies to the prophecy in the Bible made by the archangel Gabriel to the prophet Daniel, stating that “These changes in the Earth will come to pass, for the ‘time and times and half times’ [Gabriel’s timetable] are at an end, and there begin the periods of readjustments.”

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