Study reveals complete picture of anomalous heating in the Sun’s upper atmosphere

total solar eclipse - corona - thaller 2017

A new study published in The Astrophysical Journal has provided a complete physical image of the anomalous heating in the upper atmosphere of the Sun, solving one of the eight challenges in modern astronomy.

  • Departing from traditional cause-to-effect methodologies, the researchers embarked on a unique investigative path — starting from the effect and tracing back to the cause. By examining the characteristics of the upper atmosphere and correlating them with various magnetic fields, the only known sources capable of supplying the necessary energy for heating, the study provides a comprehensive understanding of the Sun’s atmospheric heating.

In a new study published in The Astrophysical Journal, researchers from the Yunnan Observatories of the Chinese Academy of Sciences have provided a complete physical picture of the anomalous heating in the upper atmosphere of the Sun, known as the solar corona and the solar chromosphere. The enigma of the corona’s anomalous heating is one of the eight challenges in modern astronomy, and the anomalous heating of the chromosphere has also puzzled solar physicists for years.

While observations from large telescopes and satellites have identified potential magnetic activities that could be responsible for this heating, and theoretical research has proposed various heating modes, a complete physical picture of how the upper atmosphere is heated as a whole has remained elusive.

The new study takes a different approach, starting from the effect and tracing its way back to the cause. The researchers analyzed long-term observations of the full-disk chromosphere and corona, identifying correlations with various magnetic fields, the only known source capable of supplying the energy needed for heating the upper atmosphere.

The study found that the quiet chromosphere is mainly heated by the network magnetic fields, while the butterfly-shaped active chromosphere draws its heat from the magnetic fields in active regions and ephemeral regions, as well as from the downward propagation of energy generated by them in the corona. The heating of the quiet chromosphere forms the main component of the entire chromosphere’s heating.

The quiet corona is mainly heated by the network fields, with the magnetic fields in ephemeral regions contributing significantly more to the heating of the active corona than those in active regions. The active corona receives more heat than the quiet corona.

The heating of the magnetic fields in active regions and ephemeral regions results in a butterfly-shaped spatial distribution of the active chromosphere and the active corona, which exhibits a long-term evolution characteristic that is in phase with the solar activity cycle. Conversely, the heating of the network fields leads to the long-term evolution of the entire background (quiet) chromosphere and the background (quiet) corona, which is opposite to the solar cycle.

The study’s findings reveal that different parts of the solar corona and chromosphere exhibit significantly different variation characteristics and are heated by different magnetic categories and probably in different modes. The researchers suggest that unraveling the heating mystery is best approached through the lens of magnetic categories, rather than magnetic activity events.


1 How Are the Abnormally Hot Chromosphere and Corona Heated by the Solar Magnetic Fields? – K. J. Li et al. – The Astrophysical Journal (2024) – DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/ad1ab3 – OPEN ACCESS

2 Researchers reveal anomalous heating in the sun’s upper atmosphere – Chinese Academy of Sciences – March 4, 2024


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One Comment


    This study and just like all previous studies, that tried to solve the so-called the mystery of corona heating, provided nothing other than BLAH,BLAH, BLAH. In other words, the researchers are trying to convince us that putting the cart before the horse is possible. Do you know that mainstream scientsists are also puzzled about the high temperature jump of the upper layer of the chromosphere? But, I do not know whether I laugh or cry when I hear that the scientists are puzzled about the increase in temperature starting at the upper layer of the chromosphere and, which fantastically increase at the outer corona. Furthermore, do you that the temeprature of the solar wind is much higher than the outer corona? How can mainstream solar physicists explain that?

    However, there are no puzzles, none whatsoever, about the temeprature distribution of the solar body, the solar atmosphere and also the solar wind. The evidence is overwhelming from so many observations. In fact, if you do not understand what heats the solar corona, then there is no way that you can understand the most important solar physics facts, such as solar cycle, all types of solar eruptions and so many other solar phenomena. The list is very long indeed

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