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Major power outage affects 743 000 homes in Buenos Aires, Argentina


An estimated 743 000 households in Argentina's capital Buenos Aires lost power on January 11, 2022, as temperatures soared above 40 °C (104 °F), causing peak energy consumption to cool the homes. The outage has also affected the water purification system, affecting users across the capital.

According to the National Electricity Regulatory Entity (ENRE), 700 000 electricity distributor Edenor customers suffered outages and another 43 400 Edesur customers.1

In a statement provided by Edenor, the severe blackout affected the north of the City of Buenos Aires and part of the Greater Buenos Aires after a high voltage line went out of service at around 13:00 LT due to a fire that started in a house in the San Martin district.2

By 16:00 LT, some 350 000 users were still without power and more than 60 000 by 21:00.

The outages have also affected water purification systems, forcing drinking water provider AySA to urge all residents to optimize the use of water.

According to the National Meteorological Service (SMN), the temperatures in the capital exceeded 40 °C (104 °F) and are expected to remain very high throughout the week.

Meteorologist Lucas Berengua said that the heat wave is off the charts and could set records in the country.3


1 Argentina capital hit by major power outage amid heat wave – Reuters

2 Cortes de luz: Edenor aseguró que el fuerte apagón se produjo por un incendio en una vivienda de San Martín – Clarin

3 'Furnace': Argentina roasts in record-setting heat wave – Reuters

Featured image credit: Edenor


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