Galactic ‘hailstorm’ in the early Universe

Galactic ‘hailstorm’ in the early Universe

Astronomers have been able to peer back to the young Universe to determine how quasars – powered by supermassive black holes with the mass of a billion suns – form and shape the evolution of galaxies. Two teams of astronomers led by researchers at the

The Big Bang theory dominates cosmological theories

The Big Bang theory dominates cosmological theories

A recent press release announced that astronomers using the Hubble Space Telescope and the twin, 10-meter Keck telescopes, have found an object 13.1 billion light-years from Earth, making it “…officially the most distant object ever

Big shock to Big Bang

Big shock to Big Bang

Sit back and take in the most watched ThunderBolts Space News from the last year.

According to astronomers a recently discovered group of quasars exceeds in size anything previously believed possible, requiring a fundamental revision of cosmological theory. But

Highlights of The Electric Universe Theory

Highlights of The Electric Universe Theory

The “Electric Universe” is a hypothesis, a new way of interpreting scientific data in the light of new knowledge about plasma and electricity. In this interpretation, gravity plays a secondary role behind the far more powerful electric force, and electrified plasma in