Two-step energy transfer in Earth’s magnetosphere

Two-step energy transfer in Earth’s magnetosphere

Scientists have obtained in situ measurements of Earth's magnetosphere, demonstrating a phenomenon that's long been thought to happen but not yet directly been shown: energy is transferred from hydrogen ions to plasma waves, and then from the waves to helium…

Plasma space tornadoes let high-energy particles into near-Earth space

Plasma space tornadoes let high-energy particles into near-Earth space

Researchers using NASA's Magnetospheric Multiscale mission (MMS) discovered tornado-like swirls of plasma create a magnetosphere tumultuous enough to let harmful high-energy particles from the Sun slip into near-Earth space. The discovery is important for…

Jets of ionospheric cold plasma discovered at the magnetopause

Jets of ionospheric cold plasma discovered at the magnetopause

The Sun and Earth both produce powerful magnetic fields, and their intersection develops a complex system of physics that determines the space weather experienced by our planet. The solar wind – a constant stream of charged particles (plasma) emitted from the Sun -…

Flying through explosive magnetic phenomenon to understand space weather

Flying through explosive magnetic phenomenon to understand space weather

Analyzing data obtained by four identical spacecraft that passed directly through a magnetic reconnection site on the boundary between the solar wind and Earth's magnetosphere, researchers have observed how this explosive physical process converts stored…