Death toll reaches 100 in flash floods and GLOF events in Sikkim and West Bengal, India

Death toll reaches 100 in flash floods and GLOF events in Sikkim and West Bengal, India

As of October 15, 2023, devastating flash floods and Glacial Lake Outburst Floods (GLOF) have resulted in 100 fatalities in the states of Sikkim and West Bengal in northeastern India. The events, which began on October 4 along the Teesta River, have also left 76 people missing, 30 injured, and have displaced 2 321 individuals into 20 relief camps.

Waterspout outbreak over Finnish Archipelago

Waterspout outbreak over Finnish Archipelago

Western Finland’s Coast Guard reported an unusual sighting of several simultaneous waterspouts off the southwest coast of Finland over the weekend.

Earthquake swarm near the SW tip of Reykyanes Peninsula, Iceland

Earthquake swarm near the SW tip of Reykyanes Peninsula, Iceland

An earthquake swarm began yesterday evening located near the southwestern tip of the Reykjanes Peninsula, Iceland.The swarm began with an M3.9 earthquake and six other earthquakes with magnitude above 3.0 have been detected. Nearly 600 earthquakes have been detected since the swarm began.

March inflation in the U.S. likely set a new 40-year high

March inflation in the U.S. likely set a new 40-year high

Inflation in the United States in March 2022 has likely set yet another 40-year high. The country has sees ever-rising costs for food, gasoline, housing and other necessities, threatening the economy.