Demise of bees – number of bees drastically drops in 2012/2013

Demise of bees – number of bees drastically drops in 2012/2013

Nearly a third of managed honeybee colonies in America died out or disappeared over the past winter which is far worse than the previous winter. On average, U.S. beekeepers lost 45.1% of the colonies in their operation during the winter of 2012/2013 according

Food MythBusters: Do we really need industrial agriculture to feed the world?

Food MythBusters: Do we really need industrial agriculture to feed the world?

The biggest players in the food industry – from pesticide pushers to fertilizer makers to food processors and manufacturers – spend billions of dollars every year not selling food, but selling the idea that we need their products to feed the world. But, do we really

Smoke from India fires spreading into Bangladesh

Smoke from India fires spreading into Bangladesh

Indian farmers often set fire to fields to clear them for planting. According to Indian agricultural practice, preparing for planting with fire has the benefit of clearing out some pests that eat crops and turning crop residues from the previous season into

Pesticides are making our children sick

Pesticides are making our children sick

From childhood cancers to learning disabilities and asthma, a wide range of childhood diseases and disorders linked to exposure to pesticides are on the rise.A new study from the Pesticide Action Network says that the more than 1 billion pounds of pesticides used in

Europe must not allow use of herbicide-tolerant genetically engineered crops!

Europe must not allow use of herbicide-tolerant genetically engineered crops!

European Commission could go ahead with its plan to authorise the cultivation of so-called herbicide tolerant genetically engineered (HTGE) crops. The fact is that European agriculture will be irreparably damaged if HTGE is allowed to be cultivated. Many European

Monsanto found guilty of chemical poisoning in landmark case

Monsanto found guilty of chemical poisoning in landmark case

A French farmer who can no longer perform his routine farming duties because of permanent pesticide injuries has had his day in court, literally, and the perpetrator of his injuries found guilty of chemical poisoning. The French court in Lyon ruled that Monsanto’s