
Partial Solar Eclipse of October 25, 2022

partial solar eclipse october 25 2022 f

A partial solar eclipse – visible from the northern hemisphere – will take place on October 25, 2022. Most of Europe, the Middle East, Central Asia and northeastern Africa will be in the path of the Moon’s penumbral shadow on this day.

  • This is the second solar eclipse of 2022
  • It’s a very deep partial eclipse. It has an eclipse magnitude of 0.8619, while Gamma has a value of 1.0701.

The eclipse will start at 08:58 UTC and end at 13:02. The moment of the greatest eclipse takes place at 11:05 UTC when the eclipse magnitude will reach 0.8619.

This is 4.2 days before the Moon reaches perigee. During the eclipse, the Sun is in the constellation Virgo. The synodic month in which the eclipse takes place has a Brown Lunation Number of 1235.

This is the 55th eclipse of Saros series 124, another old series that produced its last central eclipse on October 3, 1986.1

The event of October 3, 1986, was an unusual beaded annular eclipse with a very short path just off the west coast of Iceland. The entire series is composed of 73 solar eclipses in the following sequence: 9 partial, 43 total, 1 annular, and 20 partial eclipses (Espenak and Meeus, 2021a). Saros 124 lasts 1298 years running from 1049 to 2347.

The partial solar eclipse of October 25 is followed two weeks later by a total lunar eclipse on November 8.

This eclipse event will be well-placed for North Americans. The eclipse occurs at the ascending node of Luna’s orbit in southern Aries. Since the Moon will be 5.8 days shy of apogee, it will appear 7% smaller (30.6 arc-minutes) than it was during May’s eclipse.2

The Moon’s trajectory takes it deep into the northern umbral shadow, resulting in a total eclipse that lasts ~86 minutes, and with an umbral eclipse magnitude of 1.3607.

total lunar eclipse of november 8 2022


1 Partial Solar Eclipse of 2022 Oct 25 – EclipseWise – Accessed October 19, 2022

2 Total Lunar Eclipse of 2022 Nov 08 – EclipseWise – Accessed October 19, 2022

Featured image credit: Jay Huang, The Watchers


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