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John L. Casey discussing the Grand Solar Minimum, earthquakes and more


The Grand Solar Minimum Channel on YouTube interviewed author John L. Casey, a former White House national space policy advisor, NASA headquarters consultant & space shuttle engineer.

In this interview, John talks about ominous changes taking place in the climate and the Sun. GSM features a sobering look at the Earth’s future, digging through the complex science and connecting the varying factors that contribute to our changing climate.

This is the last interview John Casey had before his stroke.

Mr. John L. Casey. IEVPC Co-Founder and Director.

Mr. Casey is also President of Veritence, Inc., a science and engineering consulting company and Veritence Publishing, Inc. a company established to aid scientists, nature and science-fiction authors to get their books published. He was, previous to 2015, the President of the Space and Science Research Corporation (SSRC), a leading climate science research organization. Mr. Casey is a former White House space program advisor, NASA Headquarters and Congressional Consultant and was a Senior Field Engineer on the Space Shuttle program.

He is a leading researcher on the science of solar activity cycles and their impacts on climate change and associated catastrophic geophysical events (CGE), including earthquakes, tsunamis and volcanic eruptions. He is also the author of the widely acclaimed climate science books including the 2011 climate book “Cold Sun,” its 2014 remake and natiowide best seller, “Dark Winter,” and the December 12, 2016 book “Upheaval! – Why Catastrophic Earthquakes Will Soon Strike the United States.”


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  1. Funny how we support those who support what we believe and try to humiliate those who don’t support our beliefs… Even Scientists have had turnarounds as new evidence is uncovered. Society has devolved into an Us vs. Them mentality… It doesn’t matter who’s right or wrong. Divide and Conquered you bickering fools!!!

  2. Today is Dec 18th, 2021… And John… WAS FREAKING RIGHT!! lol. And he lost his career over the TRUTH!! Earthquakes are going crazy and now lately, we are headed into the Grand Solar Minimum!! CLIMATE CHANGE planet heating is BULLSH#T!!! we are going into a Climate Cooling now!! Good job John!! Its good you got the truth out, even if only some of us heard ya!! Great info sir! 🙂

  3. Perfectly. But the lack of standards is the reason of these cataclysms, kotor oganichivat emission from the equipment, and, in particular from cellular communication, quantum electromagnetic iszlucheniye. It has negative effect on Space power. Therefore Earth and Sontsa was occupied in 2003 by a power information field. Under his influence the Sun fades and there are all global changes.

  4. Casey has stood his ground for a long time now. He is one of the guys who built the bandwagon everyone is jumping onto only now. He lectured to audiences with an embarrassing number of empty seats. He will be finally vindicated now. I disagree with him only in that I believe this is neither a Dalton nor a Maunder minimum, but the onset of a new ice age. I also think Art Bell and Whitley Strieber, authors of the book “The Coming Global Superstorm” on which the movie “Day After Tomorrow” was based, are right in their analysis that the transition will be violently sudden.

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