The current Standard Solar Model is the biggest hurdle to scientific progress

The current Standard Solar Model is the biggest hurdle to scientific progress

The thermonuclear research was initiated by theoretical physicists in the early 1920s based on pure speculation. Georgii Gamow, Robert Atkinson, and Fritz Houtermans proposed that the energy production in stars was derived from the collision of atomic nuclei. Gamow…

Study provides evidence for externally powered Sun

Study provides evidence for externally powered Sun

A new study published in the International Journal of Current Research provides evidence for externally powered Sun, challenging the concepts of the Standard Solar Model (SSM). The study suggests our star is not an isolated celestial body, but rather it is linked…

Highlights of The Electric Universe Theory

Highlights of The Electric Universe Theory

The “Electric Universe” is a hypothesis, a new way of interpreting scientific data in the light of new knowledge about plasma and electricity. In this interpretation, gravity plays a secondary role behind the far more powerful electric force, and electrified plasma in