Solar storms trigger Earth’s natural thermostat

Solar storms trigger Earth’s natural thermostat

Scientists discovered what triggers the natural thermostat of our planet's upper atmosphere, responsible for cooling the air previously heated by the intense solar activity. The solar flares and coronal mass ejections (CMEs) can cause damage to satellites…

Solar storms can be much more powerful than previously assumed

Solar storms can be much more powerful than previously assumed

An international team of scientists discovered that solar storms can be much more powerful and devastating than we know. By analyzing traces of solar storms in ice cores from Greenland and Antarctica, researchers concluded that Earth was hit by two extreme solar…

Solar storms and mass animal deaths – the connection

Solar storms and mass animal deaths – the connection

Birds, fish, and sea life across the world have been dying in huge numbers over the last 2 years. Over 100,000 drum fish washed ashore in Arkansas; other sea life also are littering our shores; thousands of birds have fallen from the skies all over the world. Why?