Violent hail storm bombards Istanbul, leaves at least 10 injured

Violent hail storm bombards Istanbul, leaves at least 10 injured

A severe storm hit Istanbul, Turkey's most populated city, on Thursday, July 27, 2017, with heavy rain, strong winds and hail stones up to 9 cm (3.5 inches) wide. The storm caused widespread damage and injured at least 10 people. The city was hit by a similar…

Extreme flash flooding hits Istanbul after heaviest rain since 1985, Turkey

Extreme flash flooding hits Istanbul after heaviest rain since 1985, Turkey

Turkey's most populated city, Istanbul suffered extreme flash flooding on Tuesday, July 18, 2017, after rainstorm dumped 4 months worth of rain in just 12 hours. It was the most severe rainfall the city has seen in the past 32 years, but only the first of…

Potential M7.6 earthquake in Istanbul, study

Potential M7.6 earthquake in Istanbul, study

A potentially large earthquake of M7.6 may hit Istanbul in due course, according to the new study led by Xavier Le Pichon, a french geophysicist. A study based on data collected aboard the French research ship Le Suroit after the 1999 Gölcük earthquake…