Strong eruptions at Ibu volcano prompt lahar warning, Indonesia

Strong eruptions at Ibu volcano prompt lahar warning, Indonesia

A strong eruption took place at the Indonesian Ibu volcano at 20:21 UTC on June 17, 2024 (03:21 LT, June 18), showering the upper edifice with bright lava bombs. The volcanic ash column reached a height of about 4.3 km (14 400 feet) above sea level.

Strong eruption at Ibu volcano, North Maluku, Indonesia

Strong eruption at Ibu volcano, North Maluku, Indonesia

A strong eruption took place at Ibu volcano, Indonesia at 07:46 UTC on May 16, 2022, ejecting thick gray ash up to 3.8 km (12 240 feet) above sea level. The Aviation Color Code remains at Orange and the Alert Level at 3.