Brittish Secretary of Defence: Solar flares storm could paralyse UK

Brittish Secretary of Defence: Solar flares storm could paralyse UK

British Defence Secretary Liam Fox will next week attend a summit of scientists and security advisers who believe the infrastructure that underpins modern life in Western economies is potentially vulnerable to electromagnetic disruption.Blogger’s and scientists

Sundiving comet and coronal mass ejection

Sundiving comet and coronal mass ejection

A comet dove into the sun on May 11th and seemed to trigger a massive eruption. Watch the movie, then scroll down for further discussion.

A comet goes in; a CME comes out. Coincidence? Probably, yes, the sequence was coincidental. The comet disintegrated

Spectacular CME, active region approaching Earth

Spectacular CME, active region approaching Earth

A sunspot located just behind the sun’s eastern limb erupted during the waning hours of May 9th, hurling a spectacular coronal mass ejection into space: movie. NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory photographed hot magnetic loops towering over the edge of the sun in the

Geomagnetic storm in progress

Geomagnetic storm in progress

The geomagnetic field was unsettled to active at mid latitudes. Minor to major storm conditions occurred at high latitudes due to Coronal Hole (CH) high-speed stream (HSS) effects. Solar winds speeds were sustained above 620 km/s during the period. The greater than 2

Solar winds blowing earthward from Sun’s new coronal hole

Solar winds blowing earthward from Sun’s new coronal hole

NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory is monitoring a hole in the sun’s atmosphere – a “coronal hole.” It is the dark region circled in this extreme ultraviolet image taken during the early hours of April 28th: Coronal holes are places where the sun’s magnetic field

Amazing B-class solar flare

Amazing B-class solar flare

B-class eruptions are weak and generally not considered spectacular, but the one recorded by NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) on April 23rd was quite different:The blast hurled hundreds of thousands of tons of plasma above the stellar surface with a powe

February solar flare was sparked by five spinning sunspots

February solar flare was sparked by five spinning sunspots

The giant solar flare unleashed in February was caused by five rotating sunspots working in concert, the UK’s National Astronomy Meeting has heard.Images released from the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) clearly show the sunspots, which are centres of magnetic

Heating up of solar storms season

Heating up of solar storms season

Sun woke up after three years of sleep. Several powerful solar flares occurred in recent months, with a February 14 blast as the strongest and  the most powerful outburst in more than four years. Considering surface of Sun dotted with sunspots and recent activity,

Filament of magnetism is curling around the sun’s southeastern quadrant

Filament of magnetism is curling around the sun’s southeastern quadrant

Newly-arriving data from NASA’s STEREO probes suggest that a coronal mass ejection (CME) might be heading toward Earth. The source of the cloud appears to be sunspot complex 1185-1186, which experienced an episode of magnetic instability during the early hours of April

Geomagnetic storm in progress (April 6, 2011)

Geomagnetic storm in progress (April 6, 2011)

The solar wind is blowing past earth at elevated levels today and combined with a south tilting Bz, is stirring up geomagnetic storming at high latitudes. C-Class flare activity is now taking place towards the new sunspot regions just to the east of Sunspot 1185. Keep