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Crops failing as heatwave and extreme drought intensify in central and northern China

henan china drought june 2024 crop failure

Central and northern China continue to grapple with a scorching summer, with temperatures in Henan and Hebei provinces reaching 43 °C (109 °F) or higher and farmers already reporting significant crop failures.

  • The heatwave and drought are expected to continue to intensify.
  • An extreme drought warning is in effect, and local governments are urged to take emergency measures and disperse all available water sources in the affected areas.
  • The provincial government limited water for the service sector to ensure adequate supplies for irrigation.
  • Plans are being made for artificial rain production to increase efforts.

The agriculture ministry issued an alert for high temperatures and drought in northern and central China, including parts of Henan, Hebei, Shanxi, Shaanxi, Shandong, and Anhui, warning farmers there is a high risk of crop seedlings being damaged.

As reported by state-run China Central Television (CCTV), in June the temperatures in parts of Shandong, Henan, and Jiangsu were 1 to 2 °C (1.8 to 3.6 °F) higher than last year, while rainfall decreased by 20 to 50 percent.

Henan and Hebei are major hubs of Chinese agricultural production, and the heatwave poses a significant threat to the region’s crop yields. Yang Yajun, an official with the Henan Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, stated that current water conservation measures are sufficient for agricultural needs, but expressed concern that continued heat could negatively impact crop growth.

The Hebei Meteorological Center has maintained a Red alert for extreme heat due to these soaring temperatures. Local weather forecasts predict further intensification of the heatwave, with drought-like conditions intensifying at least until June 20.

On Wednesday, June 12, the Henan Provincial Climate Center issued an Orange alert for drought after 72 national-level meteorological stations across 16 cities observed drought-like conditions for over ten consecutive days.

Local governments were instructed to prioritize dispersing all available water sources to residents and livestock in the affected areas, while provincial governments limited water for the service sector to ensure adequate irrigation supplies.

Furthermore, plans are being made for artificial rain production to increase efforts when necessary.

Below is a video from a local farmer in Henan, recorded two days ago. The farmer discusses the severe impact of the ongoing heatwave and severe drought on his crops. You can turn on subtitles to understand his account of the challenging conditions, including the visible damage to the fields.

The situation is even more dire in Mengyin County, Shandong Province, where Beijing News reports from Tuesday, June 11, indicate a potential 30% drop in crop yields compared to last year due to a lack of rainfall.

This could lead to a significant decline in fruit production, as Shandong is a major fruit producer for the entire country.


1 Chinese crops at risk as extreme drought warning issued for central and northern areas – SCMP – June 12, 2024


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