Bright fireball streaked across the sky above Madrid, Spain

Bright fireball streaked across the sky above Madrid, Spain

A bright fireball streaked across the sky above the Spanish capital Madrid and was seen across the entire country on April 13, 2013. The object struck the atmosphere above the Villamuelas district in the province of Toledo, southwest of Madrid around 21:45 UTC…

Bright meteor streaks over eastern United States

Bright meteor streaks over eastern United States

The American Meteor Society received over 600 reports of bright meteor that lit up the sky over eastern US and parts of Canada on Friday, March 22, 2013. Reports of this meteor, bright enough to be called fireball, started coming in around 8 pm EDT (midnight UTC). It w

Mysterious “fireball” exploded over Sierra Nevada mountain range, US

Mysterious “fireball” exploded over Sierra Nevada mountain range, US

On Sunday morning, April 22, 2013 the loud explosion rattled homes from central California to Reno, Nevada, and beyond. A spectacular fireball exploded over California's Sierra Nevada mountain range. Some people reported seeing a brilliant light streak across the sk

Sky watchers be ready for meteor shower from Halley’s Comet on May 6th

Sky watchers be ready for meteor shower from Halley’s Comet on May 6th

Get up in the wee hours of the morning May 6th and head out into the country, far from the city lights so you can observe eta Aquarid meteor shower. The eta Aquarids are best viewed from the southern hemisphere, but there's something special about them no matter…