Dust and sandstorms in Saudi Arabia dip to 20-year low

saudi arabia satellite image on june 9 2024 terra modis

Saudi Arabia just experienced its calmest May in two decades when it comes to dust and sandstorms, with a decrease of 80%, according to Jumaan Al-Qahtani, a top official at the National Center for Meteorology.

According to the National Center for Meteorology (NCM) and Sand and Dust Storm Warning Regional Center, dust and sandstorms in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia hit the record lowest rate for May in 20 years, with a decrease of 80%.

Jamaan Al-Qahtani, executive vice president of the National Meteorological Center for Meteorological Affairs and executive director of the Sand and Dust Storm Warning Regional Center has reported a significant percentage decrease in various regions of Saudi Arabia.

  • Central and Eastern regions recorded 80% decrease
  • Qassim and Northern Border regions registered a 100% decrease
  • Riyadh region witnessed a 95% decrease
  • Al-Ahsa recorded 86%
  • Al-Qassim and Arar witnessed a 100% decrease

Jumaan Al-Qahtani believes Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030 initiatives, which prioritize environmental protection, played a key role in reducing dust storms and promoting long-term environmental health.

The kingdom aims to plant 10 billion trees and restore over 40 million hectares of degraded land, building on a green initiative launched by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman three years ago.

These efforts also aimed to reduce the effects of dust and sand storms, limit their effects, and enhance environmental sustainability for current and future generations.

The National Transformation Program, through is official Account on X, informed that working towards Saudi Vision 2030, the kingdom was able to reduce the sandstorms in April 2024 as well by 60% through its and green and sustainable efforts.

These long-term efforts to combat dust and sandstorms in Saudi Arabia seem to be working. In 2023 as well, the country experienced the fewest dust cases compared to any year in the past 20 years (2003-2022).


1 Saudi Arabia records lowest rate of dust and sandstorms for May in 20 years – Saudi Gazette – June 3, 2024

2 Saudi Arabia: Sandstorms hit record low for May in 20 years – The Siasat Daily – June 6, 2024


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