
Large cold lava flow hits Biaknabato village after strong eruption at Kanlaon volcano, Philippines

lahar kanlaon volcano june 5 2024

Heavy rains triggered a significant lahar flow in Biak-na-bato village, Negros Occidental province, Philippines, on June 5, 2024, just two days after a strong eruption at Kanlaon volcano forced hundreds of people to evacuate.

Heavy rains produced a large lahar flow, also known as cold lava flow, in Biaknabato village, Negros Occidental province, Philippines, on June 5, 2024. The lahar, a mixture of volcanic mud and debris, flowed down a watercourse covering the streets in a knee-deep muddy sheet wash.

The Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (PHIVOLCS) reported the event at around 13:30 local time in the village Biak-na-Bato, near the town of La Castellana.

Canlaon City DRRMO reported similar events in Masulog, one of five villages within the permanent danger zone of Mt. Kanlaon — currently at 4 km (2.5 miles) around the volcano. While most villagers chose to stay in their homes and farms, some had to move to evacuation centers.

No injuries have been reported, although houses and roads are covered with mud.

Teresito Bacolcol, director of PHIVOLCS, mentioned that the extent and volume of the lahar are still being determined. Bacolcol also warned that lahar containing volcanic ash is dangerous.

Kanlaon volcano experienced a strong explosive eruption on June 3, producing a thick ash plume up to 7.6 km (25 000 feet) above sea level. This event forced the evacuation of residents from four villages and prompted PHIVOLCS to raise the Alert Level from 1 to 2.

Leah Martinez, a local resident, reported hearing a thunder-like sound before the lahar flow, prompting fears of another eruption.

Hundreds of people have been evacuated due to falling ash and gases following the eruption and PHIVOLCS warned that more explosive eruptions are possible.

In addition, water supply in several villages around the volcano has been declared unfit for drinking due to sulfur contamination.

The smell of sulfur from the eruption reached as far as Bacolod City, approximately 85 km (53 miles) from La Castellana — located near the volcano, affecting residents in 24 of Bacolod’s 61 villages.


1 Public warned vs. erosion hazards in Mt. Kanlaon vicinity – PNA – June 5, 2024

2 Sulfur from Kanlaon Volcano eruption renders water unsafe in La Carlota villages – Rappler – June 5, 2024

3 Strong explosive eruption at Kanlaon volcano forces evacuations, Philippines – The Watchers – June 4, 2024


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