Earthquake swarm detected in Tenerife’s Las Cañadas caldera, Spain

canary islands teide volcano satellite image on may 29 2024

Between 23:42 UTC on May 27 and 04:08 UTC on May 28, 2024, the Canary Seismic Network detected a seismic swarm in Tenerife’s Las Cañadas caldera, consisting of dozens of small earthquakes, with 26 located.

The swarm consisted of dozens of small earthquakes, with 26 of these earthquakes having been precisely located. The earthquakes had magnitudes reaching up to 1.2 and occurred at depths between 5 and 10 km (3.1 to 6.2 miles).

Since June 2017, there has been a notable increase in micro-seismicity within Tenerife, characterized by 113 low-magnitude seismic swarms, including three hybrid seismic events.

This increase is attributed to a pressurization process of the volcanic-hydrothermal system, likely linked to the injection of magmatic gases, according to INVOLCAN.

The map provided by INVOLCAN shows the recent seismic swarm’s epicenters in red, with the seismic activity of the past year depicted in gray.

teide volcano canary islands tenerife spain eq swarm may 2024
Image credit: INVOLCAN

Despite this increase in seismic activity, INVOLCAN volcanologists emphasized that there is no immediate danger to the population, nor does this activity indicate an increased likelihood of a volcanic eruption in the short or medium term.

Tenerife, the largest of the Canary Islands, features a complex of overlapping Miocene-to-Quaternary stratovolcanoes.

The Las Cañadas caldera, a 10 x 17 km (6.2 x 10.5 miles) structure partially filled by the Teide stratovolcano, has been formed through collapse due to major explosive eruptions, massive landslides, or a combination of both. The most recent volcanic activity includes the construction of the Pico Viejo and Teide edifices, with historical eruptions possibly observed by Christopher Columbus.

The Teide volcano, located within the Teide National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage property, remains closely monitored.


1 Teide volcano update – INVOLCAN – May 29, 2024

2 Tenerife – Geological Summary – GVP


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