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Study provides evidence for externally powered Sun


A new study published in the International Journal of Current Research provides evidence for externally powered Sun, challenging the concepts of the Standard Solar Model (SSM). The study suggests our star is not an isolated celestial body, but rather it is linked permanently to the Universe, not only to our galaxy.

The external energy supply to the Sun is overwhelmingly obvious even before space probes (Voyagers and IBEX) have detected it. The sunspot cycle, the surface temperature, the reverse temperature gradient and the existence of the corona in itself, are some of the outstanding evidence that point to the external energy supply that our star receives. In fact, all the basic features of the Sun are in complete disagreements (or in direct contradictions) with the concepts of the Standard Solar Model (SSM). In physical reality, our star is not an isolated celestial body, but rather it is linked permanently to the Universe – not only to our galaxy – since magnetic fields are permanently present in the building blocks of matter.

Furthermore, the Sun, like all stars, is not a self-sufficient entity, but it is externally powered by inducing the current from high energy particles (cosmic rays). And yes, its radiated energy is the result of nuclear fusion, except that this nuclear fusion is a consequence of another primary process. In other words, the process of nuclear fusion-not thermonuclear fusion- is generated in the Sun as a result of interactions between the Sun's layers and the external energy source which is transported by complex galactic magnetic fields. More importantly, the Sun converts energy to mass, not the other way around.

Nonetheless, those theoretical physicists who established and developed the concepts of the SSM had simplified it by ignoring the roles of magnetic fields and rotation. They assumed that the Sun is spherically symmetric and neutral object. Based on real solar physics, the Sun is an overall positively charged celestial object, where interaction of magnetic fields and rotation have the dominant roles on the solar surface, over the corona and in the solar interior.

In addition to that, the physical mechanism of the Heliosphere is completely governed by magnetic fields interactions. Nevertheless, the high energy cosmic particles that power the Sun are modulated by the Heliospheric Current Sheet (HCS) and the Solar Polar Fields (SPF). The increasing phase of the external energy supply is during solar minimum while the decreasing one is during solar maximum. 

"The current theory of the Sun and the stellar should have been discarded a long time ago," study author Jamal S. Shrair of the Budapest University of Technology says. "A good and well-established theory should not only be free of contradictions, but also be able to explain any new observations without additional ad hoc notions."

"The SSM and the stellar models do not meet these fundamental requirements," Shrair argues. "The gaps between theoretical stellar models and observations are so huge even after all of the adjustable parameters are pushed to their limits. We've all been carefully taught in the wrong way." 

Eugene N. Parker, who is considered as one of the leading experts in solar physics, wrote in his special historical review article in Solar physics: “The pedestrian Sun exhibits a variety of phenomena that defy theoretical understanding. We need look no farther than the sunspot, or the intensely filamentary structure of the photospheric magnetic field, or the spicules, or the origin of the small magnetic bipoles that continually emerge in the heat source that maintains the expanding gas in the coronal hole, or the effective magnetic diffusion that is so essential for understanding the solar dynamo, or the peculiar internal rotation inferred from helioseismology, or the variation of solar brightness with the level of solar activity, to name a few of the more obvious physical phenomena exhibited by the Sun.”

"These frank acknowledgments (or confessions) have one thing in common, misunderstood Sun, due to invalid model," Shrair says. "In fact, enigmas and contradictions facing the SSM are widespread to all basic features of the Sun, like neutrino deficiency and variability. Particularly, the correlation of solar neutrino rate with surface activity." 

Strong evidence has already been found that showed correlation, between the solar rotation and the number of solar neutrino detected. Moreover, the mysteries of solar wind speed and ions acceleration, are very serious ones. For instance, why are oxygen ions in the corona accelerating faster than protons, in spite of the fact, that oxygen ions are 16 times heavier than protons?

And in general, the acceleration of the solar wind cannot be explained by the principles of the current theory. The other serious dilemma is connected with the Sun's atmosphere, because based on gas laws, the Sun's atmosphere should be only a few thousand kilometers. Instead, it is extended to great distance, where it heats up to more than a million degrees. Besides that, the differential rotations are some of the most obvious defects under the current model.

"Our star must be considered as the Cosmological candle", Sharair says, adding that the reasons for such consideration are abundantly obvious.

"First of all, when we will be able to reconstruct an artificial Cosmological candle on the surface of the Earth, and light it up then we will be able to understand and see the entire Universe, without using any detecting or imaging devices in deep space. At the same time, reconstructing this candle means possessing the cleanest and most ideal energy source, that keeps our planet healthy and provides almost all our energy needs."

"Moreover, a true understanding of the physical mechanism of the Cosmological candle means the true understanding of the history of our planet, and the current changes that are taking place on it."


"The External Energy Supply To The Sun Is Overwhelmingly Obvious And Has Recently Been Detected By Space Probes" – Jamal S. Shrair – International Journal of Current Research – 9, (07), 53742-53757 – Vol. 9, Issue 07, July 2017 – OPEN ACCESS

Featured image: NGC 2683. Credit: NASA/Goddard


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  1. Can you tell me your scientific evaluation of the paper Mr. Journal expert? Your level of intelligence is abundantly obvious. Scientific progress is not measured by these commercial journals that destroyed the aspirations of human development by inventing the crackpot Universe of Black Holes, dark matter, dark energy and the gravy waves. When I will publish the real standard solar model and how to replicate the fusion process that takes place in the Sun, then your ideal journals will vanish in their Black Holes,HAHAHA…

  2. @Billy because something that is unobservable, unmeasurable, which cannot be proven or disproven, cannot be verified, substantiated or debunked (blackholes, dark matter, dark energy, magnetic re-connection) are poppycock. Many if not all of these things were literally made up to prop up a wobbly theory.

  3. I cannot find this “International Journal of Current Research” listed in the “Directory of Open Access Journals”; neither can I find an Int’l Standard Serial Number for it. If anyone can find these, let us know. Otherwise, this is a fringe publication and has no integrity.

    1. Yes. It’s a fringe publiction that publishes all sorts of rubbish. I took one look at an article entitled “Teleportation of humans and their organs in the treatment of cancer” to quickly realise that.

      It’s deeply concerning that these pseudo-scientists are perpetuating their warped perception of the world around them through, what is on the face of it, respectable means.

  4. Hi Cindy,
    The reason why the sun now looks like a white ball of molten steel is because the intensity of the sun s magnetic field has increased enormously. It is now almost three times stronger than in the beginning of the last century. Why ? because the position of the whole solar system has changed in space. However, you can find the answers to the rest of your questions by reading the paper. I need to write a few pages to answer them.
    Best Regards
    Jamal Shrair

  5. Refreshing that finally scientists have admitted that they don’t have all the answers. Are we to assume that the sun during solar minimum will demonstrate more strength, more energy as in sunspots, CMEs and unusual behaviour than during a solar maximum? There has been confusion whether we’re in a solar minimum or a solar maximum. Please define. And please describe what exactly is this “external energy source” fueling the sun through “magnetic rays”. Are you suggesting another celestial body or bodies lurking in the neighborhood? Is this another way of describing why the sun’s rays are so hot and why the sun now looks like a white ball of molten steel?

  6. The Questions
    Hello Jamal,

    I recently read your recent paper regarding external energy and the sun: https://www.docdroid.net/HgzMm4c/23817.pdf

    Fascinating stuff… I forwarded it to 2 of my colleagues and they have a few questions regarding some of the statements and have some counter points. I felt it would be best if these questions were addressed by you if you wanted to.

    #1 The sun produces 9×10^10 megatons of TNT worth of energy per second. So the external process that drives fusion would have to be unbelievably powerful and so catalytic in nature that it would be by far more relavent that the strong nuclear force. What are your thoughts on this?

    #2 You mentioned oxygen atoms accelerating faster than protons… There must be an outside force but why would oxygen accelerate faster?

    #3 Stars don’t shine forever, they go supernova, they Form red giants, white dwarfs, black holes even, because they are burning nuclear fuel and running out of it… So to state that gravity and thermonuclear fusion doesn’t exist is a stretch… we wouldn’t have been able to detonate a hydrogen bomb if thermonuclear fusion wasn’t real. Any thoughts?

    #4 The part in particular where he mentions that gravity and thermonuclear fusion doesn’t exist in stars? Am I misinterpreting it? Everything has a gas tank in nature, no?

    #5 I don’t disagree that magnetism is a powerful driver in the sun’s mechanics but I think he’s stating that it’s THE driver that keeps the sun from collapsing onto itself and thermonuclear fusion doesn’t occur? The suns gravity is so strong, it bends light around it via gravitational lensing so it must also be a very important component of the suns mechanism… It can’t be disregarded outright.


    #1 The sun produces 9×10^10 megatons of TNT worth of energy per second. So the external process that drives fusion would have to be unbelievably powerful and so catalytic in nature that it would be by far more relavent that the strong nuclear force. What are your thoughts on this?

    Yes, indeed the external energy supply is massive, but also continuous. The Sun receives its highest external energy supply during solar minimum, while the lowest external energy supply is during solar maximum. However, the external supply can only stop for one to three days during maximum activity.
    #2 You mentioned oxygen atoms accelerating faster than protons… There must be an outside force but why would oxygen accelerate faster?

    This fact is a well observed evidence that -just like the shape of the Sun that was found to be an almost a perfect sphere-shows gravity cannot be the dominant force over the Sun. The dominant force over the Sun is the same one that rules over the electron.
    #3 Stars don’t shine forever, they go supernova, they Form red giants, white dwarfs, black holes even, because they are burning nuclear fuel and running out of it… So to state that gravity and thermonuclear fusion doesn’t exist is a stretch… we wouldn’t have been able to detonate a hydrogen bomb if thermonuclear fusion wasn’t real. Any thoughts?

    It is true and also an observed fact that supernovae are exploding stars. But, the rest of the conventional views are wrong. The explanations are relying on the current understanding of the force of gravity. In other words, it is currently believed that gravity is the only force available which is responsible for how matter is organized and ejected from the stars. Furthermore, stars are not self-sufficient, isolated and their radiated energy is not the result of thermonuclear fusion. In a physical reality stars are ruled by the short range magnetic force and that include our own star.
    Gravity (the long range magnetic force) has only a minor role, mainly in the orbital rotation. In addition, to the misunderstanding of gravity and its real role, the wrong Kirchoff’s law on black body radiation has contributed to the current solar model and its basic assumption of thermonuclear fusion at the core of the sun. However, the radiation and solar wind that come from the sun are the effects of the arc discharge that make up the Corona, Chromosphere and Photosphere. Fluctuations in these discharges produce double layers, which eventually explode into flares and coronal mass ejections. Supernova is identical phenomenon with the only difference that the entire energy of the star is released not only the energy which is stored locally in the double layers. This is due, to the fact that in case of supernova the external magnetic force that drives the expansion of (DLs) and causes the explosion is several orders of magnitude larger compared to the one that drives the solar flares and Coronal Mass ejections.
    “Black Holes” This is a very long story and you need to read what I have written about it, in the last a few years.
    Just write Jamal Shrair +Black Holes and you can read my previous articles, like, 1- The Black Hole Theory is a Modern Physics Myth | jamal shrair | Pulse ,..
    ,2- Supermassive Black Hole At The Center Of Cosmology: The Black
    3- Astrophysicists inching closer to the physics truth about black holes
    4- https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/hubble-space-telescope-other-devices-confirmed-what-i-jamal-shrair
    The So-called Thermonuclear Bomb!
    Please first read the content of the link below https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/super-lie-jamal-shrair

    #4The part in particular where he mentions that gravity and thermonuclear fusion doesn’t exist in stars? Am I misinterpreting it? Everything has a gas tank in nature, no?
    I do not understand what do you mean by saying everything has a gas tank in nature! What is certain to me is the lack of understanding the fundamental force in nature. But, without realizing the true building blocks of the Universe, this force cannot be understood. However, I have written so many posts and short communications about this issue, and the serious papers will follow in the near future. Regarding the so-called controlled thermonuclear fusion
    Please read my post on linkedin https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/shrair-fusion-jamal-shrair

    #5 I don’t disagree that magnetism is a powerful driver in the sun’s mechanics but I think he’s stating that it’s THE driver that keeps the sun from collapsing onto itself and thermonuclear fusion doesn’t occur? The suns gravity is so strong, it bends light around it via gravitational lensing so it must also be a very important component of the suns mechanism… It can’t be disregarded outright.

    John, the misunderstanding of gravity is the root cause and the mother of all problems in physics. When gravity and its real role will be truly understood then all physics phenomena can be explained in a way that makes a perfect sense and without any contradiction. In my concept of the magnetic structured of matter, gravitational collapse and thermonuclear fusion are impossible, since magnetic field arrangements cannot allow that to happen. Just read my last paper. I have mentioned something valuable about these issues.
    Bending of starlight
    The bending of starlight in my understanding has nothing to do with gravity. This observed phenomenon is a deceleration of photons in dense plasma. Photon possesses an infinitesimally mass and intense magnetic fields can deflect neutral particles such as neutrinos and photons. When we will be able to build a device that can generate an intense magnetic field, then this fact will be confirmed. And by the way, voyager spacecraft has detected a very intense magnetic field on the edge of the solar system.
    Best Regards
    Jamal S. Shrair

  7. They’re getting closer, but they have yet to see how simple it really is.
    The sun, like the earth and its magnetic field, is a two-part electrical system that holds opposite charge at bay, allowing it to distribute itself somewhat evenly throughout the magnetic bubble that surrounds it. This opposite charge (negative in the sun’s case) flows in from all directions and creates coronal loops both great and small all over the surface.
    it must be understood that nearly everything we see with regard to the sun is electrostatic in nature, and not magnetic. The loops do create a small magnetic field of their own and will often line up in a series, but that is about as far as it goes. The looping is pure negative down and positive up from the molten magma surface of the sun; the coronal loops are always 1/2 plasma atmosphere, and 1/2 molten magma.

    The spicules are not magnetic either, they are merely the way that invisible negative charge surrounds and passes through highly visible positively charged plasma.

  8. I am intrigued by this science, having graduated from M.I.T. in Physics, being a Mormon, and also having spent my life as a Ph.D. research scientist. The Prophet Joseph Smith revealed the essence of this theory in the early 1800s in his inspired translation of Egyptian papyrus, Facsimile No. 2, that contained the writings of Abraham. Quoting: “Fig. 5. Is called in Egyptian Enish-go-on-dosh; this is one of the governing planets also, and is said by the Egyptians to be the Sun, and to borrow its light from Kolob through the medium of Kae-e-vanrash, which is the grand Key, or, in other words, the governing power, which governs fifteen other fixed planets or stars, as also Floeese or the Moon, the Earth and the Sun in their annual revolutions. This planet receives its power through the medium of Kli-flos-is-es, or Hah-ko-kau-beam, the stars represented by numbers 22 and 23, receiving light from the revolutions of Kolob.” Note that energy is transmitted by rotation and through space from one body to another (e.g. the sun). This is very curious indeed. Source: https://www.lds.org/scriptures/pgp/abr/fac-2?lang=eng

    1. Hi, the hieroglyphs are deciphered proving the Sun is powered externally. You might like how it is done > http://www.GodElectric.org … Hieroglyphs are not phonetic, like Joseph Smith, Champollion etc interpreted them. Instead “The unique characteristic of the animal, plant or object shown as the hieroglyph presents a function or natural principle of the Universe beyond.” – Enjoy!

  9. Okay, sounds good, but if we throw out the standard solar model then how do we explain supernova’s, black holes, and the fact that single star solar systems are a rarity in the universe? Also, if the sun is receiving energy which it then converts into matter, then shouldn’t we see this energy transport system affecting all other heavenly bodies in some way?

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