Violent paroxysms at Klyuchevskoy volcano, Aviation Color Code raised to Red, Russia

Violent paroxysms at Klyuchevskoy volcano, Aviation Color Code raised to Red, Russia

Activity at Klyuchevskoy volcano in Kamchatka, Russia increased significantly on October 31, 2023, prompting KVERT to raise the Aviation Color Code from Orange to Red. The ash column reached up to 9.8 km (32 152 feet) above sea level and extended for 365 km (226 miles) to the SSE of the volcano.

Strong paroxysmal explosive eruption at Bezymianny volcano, Russia

Strong paroxysmal explosive eruption at Bezymianny volcano, Russia

After several days of increased activity, a strong eruption took place at Russia’s Bezymianny volcano at around 04:30 UTC on October 18, 2023. As a result, the Kamchatka Volcanic Eruption Response Team (KVERT) increased the Aviation Color Code from Orange to Red.

Elevated volcanic activity at Russia’s Bezymianny volcano

Elevated volcanic activity at Russia’s Bezymianny volcano

Significant activity was reported at Russia’s Bezymianny volcano from 19:00 to 20:30 UTC on October 16, 2023. Large hot avalanches collapsed on the eastern slopes, and an ash plume reached a height of 3.5 km a.s.l. The Aviation Color Code was elevated from Yellow to Orange.

Ash produced by major eruption at Sheveluch grounds flights in Alaska

Ash produced by major eruption at Sheveluch grounds flights in Alaska

Ash clouds produced by the major eruption of Russia’s Sheveluch volcano led to the cancellation of scores of flights in Alaska. The ash clouds drifted across the International Date Line into Alaska airspace, causing safety concerns for airlines over the next couple of days. As a precautionary measure, Alaska Airlines canceled 45 flights to and from Alaska and within the state. Other airlines also had to cancel or delay their flights.

Extrusive eruption at Sheveluch volcano continues, Russia

Extrusive eruption at Sheveluch volcano continues, Russia

The extrusive eruption at Sheveluch volcano in Russia continues, with the growth of the lava dome and strong fumarole activity observed. Incandescence of the lava dome, explosions, and hot avalanches have also been reported in conjunction with this process.