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Violent storms hit Switzerland, France and Italy, leaving at least 7 people dead

flash flood mudslide aftermath switzerland june 30 2024

Violent storms hit Switzerland, France, Austria, and Italy on June 29 and 30, 2024, resulting in at least seven fatalities. The storms caused flash floods, landslides, and widespread infrastructure damage, particularly impacting Switzerland and northeastern France.

Severe storms swept over parts of France, Switzerland, and Italy on June 29 and 30, 2024, claiming the lives of at least seven people. According to local reports, the storms brought rainfall rates of as much as 27 mm (1 inch) per hour for about 2 to 3 hours, resulting in torrents of water, mud and debris rushing down the mountain, leaving catastrophic consequences.

In Switzerland, four people were killed, and one more person is missing. In northeastern France, three fatalities were reported.

Police in Switzerland reported that side valleys south of the River Rhone experienced particularly heavy rain overnight on June 30, causing severe flash floods that caught many by surprise.

Camping sites along the Maggia River were evacuated, and part of the small Visletto road bridge collapsed. Further north, the Rhone River burst its banks in several areas of Valais canton, flooding a highway and a railway line.

Three people died after torrential rains triggered a landslide in the southeastern, Italian-speaking canton of Ticino. A man was found dead in a hotel in Saas-Grund in the southwest canton of Valais, likely due to a sudden rise in floodwater. Another man is missing in Valais, according to police reports on June 30.

In France’s northeastern Aube region, three elderly individuals, aged in their 70s and 80s, died on June 29 when a tree fell on their car during fierce winds. A fourth passenger was critically injured, as reported by the local authority to AFP.

In Italy, floods, thunderstorms, and landslides affected various northern regions, particularly the Aosta Valley.

Firefighters conducted approximately 80 rescue operations, evacuating dozens of people in the northern Piedmont region. Several villages were isolated due to overflowing streams, storms, and landslides in the Valle D’Aosta region.


1 Seven dead after storms lash France, Switzerland – AFP – June 30, 2024

2 At least 4 dead as storms in Switzerland and Italy cause flooding and landslides – AP – June 30, 2024

3 Unwetter fordert ein Todesopfer in Saas-Grund – im Binntal wird eine Person vermisst – Pomona – June 29 and 30, 2024


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  1. “Thus says The Lord God: The earth is filled with violence, the whole world is corrupt! Madness has overcome the people, transgression is uplifted, and abominations of every kind are widely accepted; great wickedness proliferates throughout every tribe, tongue, people and nation unimpeded! Thus the earth is forsaken for a time, wherein I have turned to it My back. And so shall it remain, until the Great Day comes when I shall move swiftly against it.

Behold, My countenance is changed, and I shall surely turn My face toward it once again. Yet not for good, but for great calamity! For My anger is kindled, and My face is set hard against the peoples of the earth! Behold, even this year shall many feel the strength of The Lord building quickly in His anger, and this world shall be shaken! For the heart of man has waxed cold, his wickedness proliferates beyond compare! Therefore I shall strike down My enemies in My fury, and the whole world shall tremble! Behold, the hearts of all people shall melt in that day, with every countenance falling, their innards quaking, their knees buckling for fear!
    And until this time and after, the earth shall tremble and shake, and bring forth calamity upon calamity, and famine and pestilence of every kind. For all this is but the beginning of sorrows, the first contractions of an expectant mother suffering to bring forth… Says The Lord.”

    (From The Volumes of Truth, Volume Seven, an excerpt from “The World Shall Be Shaken”)

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