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Historic floods, tenfold increase in wildfires and now a potential extreme drought make triple suffering for Brazil

thermal anomalies pantanal brazil june 8 2024

After historic floods recently claimed 172 lives in coastal Brazil, the country now faces a new crisis as fires rage through the Pantanal wetlands. These fires have surged nearly tenfold compared to the same period last year, setting the stage for a potential catastrophe worse than the devastating fires of 2020. With severe to extreme drought conditions expected, the situation is becoming increasingly dire.

Data from the Brazilian space research agency, National Institute for Space Research (INPE) reveals a staggering 980% jump in fires across the Pantanal wetlands this year through June 5, compared to the same timeframe in 2023.

This surge is especially concerning as the peak wildfire season for the region is just around the corner, typically starting in July and reaching its worst in August and September.

“It’s one of the worst starts of year in terms of hot spots since the beginning of the historical series in 1998,” reported Vinicius Silgueiro, territorial intelligence coordinator at local NGO Instituto Centro de Vida.

Spanning an area roughly ten times larger than Florida’s Everglades, the Pantanal is a haven for an incredible diversity of wildlife, from jaguars and tapirs to caimans, anacondas, and even giant anteaters. However, the region’s usual cycle of flooding has been disrupted by weak rains since late last year. This lack of water has left the Pantanal more susceptible to fires.

Adding to the worries, data from Brazil’s National Institute of Meteorology (INMET) suggests the Pantanal is likely to experience another severe to extreme drought this year. This comes after a disappointing wet season with rainfall falling short of the average by a significant 60%

On the heels of an unusual fire season in late 2023, the latest surge in fires in the Pantanal wetlands owes to El Niño. The El Niño weather pattern delayed the arrival of rain, causing a significant increase in fires. In November 2023 alone, there were 4 134 fires compared to the historical average of only 584 for that month.

Facing a surge in wildfires, the Brazilian government took immediate action on June 5 and signed a pact with governors of the Pantanal and Amazon regions to collaborate on fighting the blazes. The situation is most severe in Mato Grosso do Sul, which houses a large portion of the Pantanal. This state has already declared an environmental emergency due to the fires.

The environment minister has also warned of potential drought conditions in other parts of the country, following devastating floods in the south.

Brazil’s Environment Minister Marina Silva points to a “double whammy” of El Niño and climate change as the culprits behind the devastating floods. This phenomenon, where these factors combine to intensify extreme weather events, has been observed in other regions as well. Minister Silva warns the Amazon and Pantanal aren’t spared – these vital ecosystems are also experiencing climate extremes.

“While the Rio Grande do Sul faces a future of severe drought,” Minister Silva said, “the northeastern Caatinga, a unique and biodiverse ecosystem, is already under the threat of a severe drought.” 


1 Fires in Brazilian wetlands surge 980%, extreme drought expected – Reuters – June 7, 2024

2 After historic floods, Brazil braces for severe drought – Phys.org – June 6, 2024


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    One Comment

    1. “Peoples of the earth, hear the Word of The Lord your God: You are lost, drowning in a deep sea of transgression, sinking in the ever-shifting sands of religion and science. You are stuck in the mire of your iniquities, slowly suffocating, as the fruit of your labor comes full circle to take away your life. For by your own works have you destroyed the garden, on account of your greed have you caused much suffering and death, bringing calamity upon your own heads! Thus because of your great iniquity I have drawn back My hand, and for the multitude of your transgressions the judgment of God has come upon you.”

      (An excerpt from “Watch” – Volume One)

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