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Historic floods in Midwest cause severe damage to farmlands

Historic floods in the Midwest cause severe damage to the farmlands

Flooding has affected millions of acres of farmland in Minnesota, South Dakota, and Iowa, this month, causing severe damage to the farmlands and farming communities of the most crucial regions of U.S. crop production. Experts estimate a reduction of almost 1.2 million ha (3 million acres) worth of soybean and corn crops.

Historic flooding in the Midwest has left farmlands swamped causing severe damage to farming communities and crops, especially soybeans and corn. This has raised concerns about the possibility of food prices going up soon.

Dave and Judy Oberg, a farming couple from South Dakota showed the flood damage to their homes and farmland to CBS reporter Jonah Kaplan, almost 1 214 ha (3 000 acres) of their and their extended family’s farmland turned into a swamp, destroying crop even before they had a chance to grow. All they could save was some belongings and a box of deeds for their lands which has been used for farming for generations.

According to agricultural economist Ben Brown, we could see a reduction of about 1.2 ha (3 million acres) of soybeans and corn production within Minnesota, South Dakota, and Iowa as they are some of the prime regions of crop production in the United States that have been affected by devastating floods.

Brown estimates that the effects on food and product prices would be low as long as other domestic and international producers can meet demand.

“Farmers do have crop insurance but the ones we spoke to said it won’t even cover half their losses considering they are already paying for fuel, fertilizer, labor, and the seeds,” said CBS Minnesota’s news reporter Jonah Kaplan.


1 Historic flooding in Midwest damages farms, leading to concerns over food prices impact – CBS News – June 27, 2024


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  1. “Thus says The Lord to His servants: Beloved, prepare your hearts and do not abandon hope. Though much death draws near and the pain of death increases in every corner, though heavy sorrows overtake the land and tears fill your eyes, hold fast; embrace Me fully and do not waver.
    Beloved, receive My words and also do them, obey all My commands, for I am with you. For those who love Me obey My voice and walk in My ways. They recognize those I send and the Word given them. Yes, these are they who keep The Commandments of God and testify of My glory without ceasing, and their testimony is true.
    Thus at the appointed time I will surely gather them to Myself, some before and many more after, for I know My own. Beloved, I know when each will come to Me, I know every trial and tribulation. Therefore, again I say to you, call on My name in this time of darkness, in this time of great calamity and fear. Hold fast through all these tears, endure in these times of trouble.
    Fear not, for I have overcome the world; I hold the keys of death and Sheol, and The Book of Life is held securely in My right hand. No one can steal you from My love; no one can pluck you from My hand; no one can break off what I have grafted in. For that which I revealed to My servant is true: I know you as you are and as you will be, with Me where I am… Says The Lord YahuShua.”

    (An excerpt from “Hold Fast and Do Not Waver” – Volume Four, The Volumes of Truth)

    1. Think of how many religions attempt to validate themselves with prophecy. Think of how many people rely on these prophecies, however vague, however unfulfilled, to support or prop up their beliefs. Yet has there ever been a religion with the prophetic accuracy and reliability of science? … No other human institution comes close.

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