1.3 billion tons of food wasted every year

1.3 billion tons of food wasted every year

According to staggering new statistics from the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), roughly one-third of the food produced worldwide for human consumption is lost or wasted, amounting to some 1.3 billion tons per year. In the developing world, over

Peru implements ten-year ban on GMOs

Peru implements ten-year ban on GMOs

A rarity in the world today, the South American nation of Peru has yet to be contaminated by the import, cultivation, or breeding of any genetically-modified (GM) crops — at least not openly — unlike some of its nearby neighbors like Brazil that have openly and

African land grab could lead to future water conflicts

African land grab could lead to future water conflicts

China, India and Saudi Arabia have lately leased vast tracts of land in sub-Saharan Africa at knockdown prices. Their primary aim is to grow food abroad using the water that African countries don’t have the infrastructure to exploit. Doing so is cheaper and easier than

The false claims of GMOs

The false claims of GMOs

For years, biotechnology companies have been making lofty, unsubstantiated claims that genetically-modified organisms (GMOs) are the cure for world hunger, and that without them, people will starve to death. But according to many agricultural scientists and

1/3 of all food goes to waste while billions people starving

1/3 of all food goes to waste while billions people starving

About one third of all food produced for human consumption goes to waste, according to a study commissioned by the United Nations food agency. That amounts to more than one billion tonnes of waste around the world every year.The study recommends that developing

Could crop ancestors feed the world?

Could crop ancestors feed the world?

The world is facing starvation as climate change disrupts food production and the population booms and science’s last hope may be locked inside Syria’s forgotten wild plants.The race is on to develop and test improved crop varieties to feed the world’s growing

Growing threat of wheat rust epidemics worldwide

Growing threat of wheat rust epidemics worldwide

ICARDA and  GlobalRust researchers meeting at a scientific conference in Aleppo this week reported that aggressive new strains of wheat rust diseases – called stem rust and stripe rust – have decimated up to 40% of farmers’ wheat fields in recent harvests. Areas

Clean and green alternatives to uranium and gasoline

Clean and green alternatives to uranium and gasoline

In light of latest nuclear disasters and remembering Chernobyl disaster we bring our attention to the unfair use of uranium as a fuel to create nuclear energy for mass energy and gasoline as ultimate source power for cars, ships and planes. Some of not so latest